This is all about two old school mountain bike enthusiast brothers that decided to change their lifes as mechanical engineers and managers to become BUILDERS.

Andoitz, riding a Swhinm Paramount 70 serie Steel bike in 1994

Ibai, 5th place in the 1994 Spanish DH Championship in a borrowed Manitou Answer 1992
We were among the MTB Pioneers in our hometown.in the late 80s and soon got into Racing, both XC and DH.
We grew up sorrounded by bicycles, the milling and turning machines of our father´s workshop, and our Grandpa´s (Ignacio Zearreta) ship model workshop, 100% handcrafted.
Bicycle frame building inspiration came from the more than fifteen 80-90s Mountain bikes restored over 10 years. Starting from the humble bikes we used to ride to our dream bikes.
Bikes at that times had a soul. A clear identity. We miss that in most modern bikes.
The missing piece in the collection was a fillet brazed Steel frame. So we decided to design and build our own. But,…..why not modern bikes? A full year dedication gave as a result the first prototype full suspension bike and hardtrail enduro bike. They performed and hold so well we got rid of our modern carbon bikes and started riding and racing our steel bikes only.